International Journals
광전자 분야 SCI(E) 논문 210편 게재, 총 피인용횟수 8287회
▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ 2025 ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼
Yong Soo Kim, Yeongkon Jeong, Young Jun An, Young Woo Jeong, Ju Han Lee, Young Min Jhon, "Large-area bow-tie nanoantenna array for high-power high-order harmonic generation by field enhancement of surface plasmon resonance," Nano Research, (2025).
S Kwon, J Lee, JH Lee, "Intracavity pulse formation dynamics of dissipative soliton fiber lasers depending on saturable absorber parameters at 1.9 μm," Optics & Laser Technology, 181, 111594, (2025).
▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ 2024 ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼
K Lee, S Kwon, J Choi, J Kim, T Woo, J Ryu, J Jung, JH Lee, "Third-order optical nonlinearities of Nb 4 C 3 MXene and its application as an ultra-broadband mode-locker,” Journal of Materials Chemistry C, (2024).
J Jeong, SY Bae, J Lee, S Kwon, JH Lee, J Choi "Toxicity assessment of nano-sized MAX phases: considerations for safe-by-design approaches," Environmental Science: Nano, (2024).
J Jung, K Lee, J Kim, JH Lee, "Comparison of 970- and 790-nm pumping for a 2.8 μm, Er3+-doped ZBLAN fiber laser," Optical and Quantum Electronics 56, 79, (2024).
I Lim, S Kwon, M Jung, JH Lee, "Numerical investigation into splicing mismatch in a large mode area double clad fiber for high power lasers," Optical Fiber Technology, 84, 103720, (2024).
▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ 2023 ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼
G Lim, J Lee, J Jung, JH Lee, "Highly stable Fabry-Pérot fiber-optic modulation device based on the photothermal effect of V2C MXene,” Optics & Laser Technology 157, 108671 (2023).
K Lee, S Kwon, T Woo, J Ryu, J Jung, JH Lee, "Nonlinear Absorption and Refraction Properties of V4C3 MXene and its Use for an Ultra‐Broadband Saturable Absorber," Advanced Optical Materials, 2300213 (2023)
YI Jhon, JH Lee,"Tailoring mechanical properties of MXenes by composition ratio control of surface terminations: Reactive molecular dynamics simulation " Computational Materials Science 227, 112268 (2023)
K Lee, IH Lee, YG Khim, S Kwon, G Lim, J Jung, YJ Chang, JH Lee, "Nonlinear optical properties of PVD-grown Cr2Te3 film and its nonlinear switching application," Journal of Alloys and Compounds 956, 170308 (2023)
K Lee, S Kwon, J Choi, J Kim, T Woo, J Ryu, J Jung, JH Lee "Passively mode-locked erbium-doped fiber laser by a Mo2TiC2 MXene saturable absorber," Optik 295 171531 (2023)
▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ 2022 ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼
Byunghyuck Moon, Young Jun An, Yong Soo Kim, Ju Han Lee, Byeong-kwon Ju, Young Min Jhon, “Cavity-dumped mode-locked Alexandrite laser oscillator with 100 mJ pulses stabilized by using a double trigger system,” Opt. Exp. Vol. 30, No. 3, 3516-3523 (2022).
Yong Soo Kim, Byunghyuck Moon, Chulki Kim, Byeong-kwon Ju, Ju Han Lee, Young Min Jhon, “Optimizing high harmonic generation in hollow-core gas cell considering variation of gas density,” Optics & Laser Technology 149, 107803, (2022)
Suh-young Kwon, Jinho Lee, Ju Han Lee, “Passive mode-locking by a Ti2AlN saturable absorber in 1.5μm region,” Optik. 251, 168364, February 2022
YI Jhon, IK Han, JH Lee, YM Jhon , "Microscopic understanding of exceptional orientation-dependent tensile and fracture responses of two-dimensional transition-metal carbides," Applied Surface Science 585, 152557 (2022)
YI Jhon, JH Lee, YM Jhon , "Surface termination effects on the terahertz-range optical responses of two-dimensional MXenes: Density functional theory study," Materials Today Communications 32, 103917 (2022)
T Kim, J Jung, K Lee, JH Lee, "Efficient Suppression of Backward Light Scattering for Optical Fiber Cladding Light Stripper,"Journal of Lightwave Technology (2022)
J Jung, J Lee, K Lee, JH Lee, "Modeling of an Er3+-doped ZBLAN fiber laser with ion clustering effect," Journal of Lightwave Technology (2022)
K Lee, YI Jhon, S Kwon, G Lim, J Kim, JH Lee, "Nonlinear optical properties of tin telluride topological crystalline insulator at a telecommunication wavelength," Journal of Alloys and Compounds 925, 166643 (2022)
S Kwon, J Lee, YI Jhon, G Lim, YM Jhon, JH Lee "Photothermal property investigation of V2CTx MXene and its use for all-optical modulator," Optical Materials 134, 113198 (2022)
K Lee, J Jung, JH Lee, "Optical fiber polarization-entangled photon pair source using intermodal spontaneous four-wave mixing in the visible spectral band," Laser Physics Letters 20, 015101 (2022)
▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ 2021 ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼
J. Lee, S.Y. Kwon, J.H. Lee, “Investigation on the nonlinear optical properties of V 2 C MXene at 1.9 μm,” Journal of Materials Chemistry C 9 (42), 15346-15353 (2021)
J. Lee, S.Y. Kwon, J.H. Lee, “Harmonically mode-locked Er-doped fiber laser at 1.3 GHz using a V2AlC MAX phase nanoparticle-based saturable absorber,” Optics & Laser Technology 145, 107525, (2021)
Jinho Lee, Kyungtaek Lee, and Ju Han Lee, "Nonlinear absorption property investigation into MAX phase Ti2AlC at 1.9 μm," Opt. Mater. Express 11, 3556-3566 (2021)
J. Lee, S. Kwon, L. Zhao, and J. H. Lee, “Investigation into the impact of the recovery time of a saturable absorber for stable dissipative soliton generation in Yb-doped fiber lasers,” Opt. Express 29, 21978-21991 (2021).
J. Lee, I. Hong, and J. H. Lee, “Numerical study on an optimum Q-switching profile for complete multipeak suppression in an actively Q-switched Ytterbium fibre laser,” Las. Phys. Lett., v.18, .n.8, p. 085101 (2021)
Y. I. Jhon, J. Lee, Y. M. Jhon, and J. H. Lee, “Ultrafast mode-locking in highly stacked Ti3C2Tx MXenes for 1.9-μm infrared femtosecond pulsed lasers,” Nanophotonics, 10(6), pp.1741-1751 (2021)
Taeyoon Kim, Junha Jung, Jinho Lee, Geun Weon Lim, and Ju Han Lee, “Temperature-Insensitive Refractometer Based on a Wave-shaped Fiber Modal Interferometer Using No-Core Fiber,” IEEE Sensors, v.21, n.14, pp. 16066-16077 (2021)
Jinho Lee, Suhyoung Kwon, Taeyoon Kim, Junha Jung, Luming Zhao, and Ju Han Lee, “Nonlinear optical property measurements of rhenium diselenide used for ultrafast fiber laser mode-locking at 1.9 μm,” Sci. Rep. 11, p.9320 (2021)
Y. I. Jhon, and J. H. Lee, “Saturable Absorption Dynamics of Highly Stacked 2D Materials for Ultrafast Pulsed Laser Production,” Appl. Sci. 11(6), p.2690 (2021).
Y. Wang, S. Fu, C. Zhang, X. Tang, J. Kong, J. H. Lee, and L. Zhao, “Soliton Distillation of Pulses from a Fiber Laser,” J. Lightwave Technol., v.39, no.8, pp.2542-2546 (2021)
S. Kwon, J. Lee, and J. H. Lee, “A Q-switched fiber laser using a Ti2AlN-based saturable absorber,” Las. Phys. v.31, n.2, p.025103 (2021).
J. Lee and J. H. Lee, “A Passively Q-Switched Holmium-Doped Fiber Laser with Graphene Oxide at 2058 nm,” Appl. Sci, vol.11, no.1, p. 407 (2021).
▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ 2020 ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼
B. Moon, Y. S. Kim, B.-K. Ju, J. H. Lee, and Y. M. Jhon, “Pulse-amplitude equalization in the monotonic region of the modulator of a rational-harmonically mode-locked fiber ring laser,” Las. Phys., v. 30, n. 11, p.115103 (2020)
J. Lee, Y. I. Jhon, K. Lee, Y. M. Jhon, and J. H. Lee, “Nonlinear optical properties of arsenic telluride and its use in ultrafast fiber lasers,” Sci. Rep., v.10, p.15305 (2020)
Y. I. Jhon, Y.M. Jhon, and J. H. Lee, “Nonlinear Optics of MXene in Laser Technologies,” J. Phys. Mater. V.3, n.3, p.032004 (July 2020) (Invited).
Y. I. Jhon, Y. M. Jhon, and J. H. Lee, “Broadband Ultrafast Photonics of Two-Dimensional Transition Metal Carbides (MXenes),” Nano Futures, v.4, n.3, p.032003 (Sep 2020) (Invited).
Y. I. Jhon, Y. T. Byun, J. H. Lee, and Y. M. Jhon “Robust mechanical tunability of 2D transition metal carbides via surface termination engineering: molecular dynamics simulation,” Applied Surface Science, v. 532, p. 147380 (Dec. 2020).
Ikjun Hong, Kyungtaek Lee, and Ju Han Lee, “532-nm second harmonic generation with enhanced efficiency using subharmonic cavity modulation-based quasi-Q-switched-mode-locked pulses,” Opt. Express 28, 25431-25443 (2020).
J. Lee, S. Kwon, and J. H. Lee, “Numerical Investigation of the Impact of the Saturable Absorber Recovery Time on the Mode-locking Performance of Fiber Lasers,” J. Lightwave Technol., v.38, no.15, pp. 4124 - 4132 (2020)
J. Lee, T. Kim, and J. H. Lee, “Investigation into nonlinear optical absorption property of CoSb3 skutterudite in the 2 um spectral region” J. Opt. Las. Technol. v.129, no. p. 106274 (Sep 2020)
B. Shin, J. Lee, and J. H. Lee, “Numerical investigation into the impact of Q-switch rise time on the output pulse characteristics in an actively Q-switched ytterbium-doped fiber laser,” Laser Phys. Lett., v. 30, no. 8, p. 085102 (2020)
Jinho Lee, Yoontaek Kim, and Ju Han Lee, “A 3-D-printed, temperature sensor based on mechanically-induced long period fibre gratings,” J. Modern Opt., v.67, n.5, pp. 469-474, 2020.
▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ 2019 ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼
Young In Jhon, Chulki Kim, Young Tae Byun, Ju Han Lee, Young Min Jhon, “Facile large-area fabrication of highly selective and permeable few-layered graphene: A molecular dynamics study,” Carbon, Volume 155, December 2019, Pages 369-378
G Woo, J Lee, J H Lee, “A 1.9-um femtosecond fibre laser using a 3-D printed, all-fiberized graphene/polylactic-acid saturable absorber'' Las. Phys. Lett., (2019).
JINHO LEE, KYUNGTAEK LEE, SUHYOUNG KWON, BUMSOO SHIN, AND JU HAN LEE*, “Investigation of nonlinear optical properties of rhenium diselenide and its application as a femtosecond mode-locker,” Photon. Res. v.7, no.9, 984-993 (2019)
Young In Jhon, Jinho Lee, Minah Seo, Ju Han Lee, Young Min Jhon, “van der Waals Layered Tin Selenide as Highly Nonlinear Ultrafast Saturable Absorber,” Adv. Opt. Mat. 1801745 (2019).
Jinho Lee, Suhyoung Kwon, and Ju Han Lee, "Ti2AlC-based saturable absorber for passive Q-switching of a fiber laser," Opt. Mater. Express 9, 2057-2066 (2019).
Jinho Lee, Hojai Chung, Joonhoi Koo, Guido Woo, Ju Han Lee, “A 3-D printed saturable absorber for femtosecond mode-locking of a fiber laser,” Optical Materials v.89 (2019) 382–389.
Joonhoi Koo, Jihwan Kim, and Ju Han Lee, “A Thermo- optically Controllable Saturable Absorber for Switchable Operation of a Fiber Laser between Q-switching and Harmonic Mode-locking,” J. Lumin. v.205, 30-36(2019).
▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ 2018 ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼
Jinho Lee and Ju Han Lee, “Femtosecond Tm-Ho co-doped fiber laser using a bulk-structured Bi2Se3 topological insulator,” Chinese Physics B. v.27, n.9, 094219 (2018).
Jinho Lee, Yoontaek Kim, Kuyngtaek Lee, and Ju Han Lee, “Femtosecond mode-locking of the fiber laser using a CoSb-skutterudite-based saturable absorber,” Photon. Res., v.6, n.10, C36-C43 (2018)
Y. I. Jhon, J. Lee, Y. M. Jhon, and J. H. Lee, “Topological Insulators for Mode-locking of 2-μm Fiber Lasers” IEEE J. Sel. T. Quantum Electron. 1102208, Sep/OCT 2018 (Invited)
J. Koo, J. Lee, J. Kim, J. H. Lee, “A Q-switched, 1.89 µm fiber laser using an Fe3O4-based saturable absorber,” J. Lumin. v.195, pp/181-186, March 2018.
Seunghwan Ko, Junsu Lee, Joonhoi Koo, and Ju Han Lee, “Experimental investigation into generation of bursts of linearly-polarized, dissipative soliton pulses from a figure-eight fiber laser at 1.03 µm,” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 57, 032701 (2018).
Seunghwan Ko, Jinho Lee, and Ju Han Lee,“Passively Q-switched ytterbium-doped fiber laser using the evanescent field interaction with bulk-like WTe2 particles,” Chinese Opt. Lett., v.16, no.2, pp.020017, Feb 2018.
▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ 2017 ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼
J. Lee, J. Koo, J. Lee, Y. M. Jhon, and J. H. Lee, “All-fiberized, femtosecond laser at 1912 nm using a bulk-like MoSe2 saturable absorber,” Opt. Mater. Express v.7, 2968-2979 (2017).
Y. I. Jhon, J. Koo, B. Anasori, M. Seo, J. H. Lee, Y. Gogotsi, and Y. M. Jhon, “Metallic MXene Saturable Absorber for Femtosecond Mode-locked Lasers" Adv. Mater. 29(40), 1702496 (2017).
J Lee, J Koo, J H Lee “Femtosecond mode-locking of an ytterbium-doped fiber laser using self-assembled gold nanorods” Laser Physics Letters, vol.14, p.090001 (2017).
J. Kim, J. Koo, and J. H. Lee, “All-fiber acousto-optic modulator based on cladding-etched optical fiber for active mode-locking” Photon Res. Vol.5, no.5, pp.391-395 (2017).
J. Lee, B. Yu, Y. I. Jhon, J. Koo, S. Kim, Y. M. Jhon, and J. H. Lee, “Filled Skutterudites for Broadband Saturable Absorbers,” Adv. Opt. Mater. V.5, n.11, p.1700096 (2017).
J. Lee, M. Jung, M. Melkumov, V. F. Khopin, E. M. Dianov, and J. H. Lee “A saturable absorber based on bismuth-doped germanosilicate fiber for a 1.93-um, mode-locked fiber laser,” Las. Phys. Lett. v.14, no.6, p.064104 (2017)
J. Koo, J. Lee, and J. H. Lee, “An Integrated Fiber-optic Device Based on a Combination of a Piezoelectric Transducer and a Bulk-structured Bi2Te3 Topological Insulator for Q-switched Mode-locking of a Fiber Laser,” J. Lightwave Technol., v.35, no.11, pp.2175-2182 (2017)
▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ 2016 ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼
J. Koo, Y. I. Jhon, J. Park, J. Lee, Y. M. Jhon, and Ju Han Lee “Near-infrared Saturable Absorption of Defective Bulk-structured WTe2 for Femtosecond Laser Mode-locking” Advanced Functional Materials, v.26, n.41, pp.7454-7461 (2016).
Junsu Lee, Joonhoi Koo, Jinho Lee, and Ju Han Lee, “End-to-end Self-assembly of Gold Nanorods in Water Solution for Absorption Enhancement at a 1-to-2 μm Band for a Broadband Saturable Absorber” J. Lightwave Technol., v.34, n.22, pp. 5250 - 5257 (2016)
Seunghwan Ko, Junsu Lee, Joonhoi Koo, Beom Soo Joo, Minseon Gu, and Ju Han Lee, “Chemical wet etching of an optical fiber using a hydrogen fluoride-free solution for a saturable absorber based on the evanescent field interaction,” J. Lightwave Technol., v.34, n.16, pp.3776 - 3784 (June 2016).
Jinho Lee, Junsu Lee, Joonhoi Koo, Hojai Chung, Ju Han Lee, “A linearly-polarized, Q-switched, erbium-doped fiber laser incorporating a bulk-structured Bi2Te3/PVA saturable absorber,” Opt. Eng. 55(7), 076109 (2016)
M Jung, J Lee, W Song, Y L Lee, J H Lee, and W Shin, “A passively mode locked thulium doped fiber laser using bismuth telluride deposited multimode interference,” Las. Phys. Lett., vol.13, no.5, p.055103 (2016)
Joonhoi Koo, June Park, Junsu Lee, Young Min Jhon, and Ju Han Lee, "Femtosecond harmonic mode-locking of a fiber laser at 3.27 GHz using a bulk-like, MoSe2-based saturable absorber," Opt. Express 24, 10575-10589 (2016).
Junsu Lee, June Park, Joonhoi Koo, Young Min Jhon and Ju Han Lee, “Harmonically mode-locked femtosecond fiber laser using nonuniform, WS2-particle-deposited side-polished fiber,” J. Opt. 18(3), 035502 (2016).
Junsu Lee, Joonhoi Koo, and Ju Han Lee, “A pulse-width-tunable, mode-locked fiber laser based on dissipative soliton resonance using a bulk-structured Bi2Te3 topological insulator,” Opt. Eng., 55(8), 081309 (Aug 2016).
Jinho Lee, Junsu Lee, Joonhoi Koo, and Ju Han Lee, "Graphite saturable absorber based on the pencil-sketching method for Q-switching of an erbium fiber laser," Appl. Opt. 55, 303-309 (2016).
▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ 2015 ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼
Kichul Park, Junsu Lee, Young Tack Lee, Won-Kook Choi, Ju Han Lee, and Yong-Won Song, “Black phosphorus saturable absorber for ultrafast mode-locked pulse laser via evanescent field interaction,” Ann. Phys. (Berlin) 527, No. 11–12, 770–776 (2015).
P. C. Debnath, J. Park, A. M. Scott, J. Lee, J. H. Lee, and Y.-W. Song, “In Situ Synthesis of Graphene with Telecommunication Lasers for Nonlinear Optical Devices,” Adv. Optical Mater. V.3, pp.1264–1272 (2015).
J. Koo, J. Lee, W. Shin, and J. H. Lee, “Large energy, all-fiberized Q-switched pulse laser using a GNRs/PVA saturable absorber,” Opt. Mater. Exp., v.5, n.8, pp. 1859-1867 (2015)
M. Jung, J. Lee, J. Park, J. Koo, Y. M. Jhon, and J. H. Lee, “Mode-locked, 1.94-μm, all-fiberized laser using WS2-based evanescent field interaction,” Opt. Express 23, 19996-20006 (2015)
S. Park, J. H. Lee, and C. Shin, “Impact of the double-patterning technique on the LER-induced threshold voltage variation in symmetric tunnel field-effect transistor,” IEICE Electronics Express, Vol. 12, No. 12 pp. 20150349 (2015).
J. Lee, J. Koo, Y. M. Jhon, and J. H. Lee, "Femtosecond harmonic mode-locking of a fiber laser based on a bulk-structured Bi2Te3 topological insulator," Opt. Express 23, 6359-6369 (2015).
J. Lee, M. Jung, J. Koo, C. Chi, and J. H. Lee, “Passively Q-switched 1.89 µm Fiber Laser Using a Bulk-structured Bi2Te3 Topological Insulator,” IEEE J. Sel. Topics Quantum Electron. vol.21, no.1, p.0900206, Jan. 2015.
J. Jeon, J. Lee, and J. H. Lee, “Numerical study on the minimum modulation depth of a saturable absorber for stable fiber laser mode-locking,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 32, no.1, pp.31-37, Jan. 2015.
▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ 2014 ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼
M. Jung, J. Lee, M. Melkumov, V. F. Khopin, E. M. Dianov, and J H Lee, “Burst-mode pulse generation from a bismuth-doped germanosilicate fiber laser through self Q-switched mode-locking,” Laser Phys. Lett. Vol.11, no.12, p.125102 (2014).
C. Chi, J. Lee, J, Koo, and J. H. Lee, “All-normal dispersion dissipative soliton fiber laser at 1.06 µm using a bulk-structured Bi2Te3 topological insulator-deposited side-polished fiber,” Laser Phys. 24 105106, Oct 2014..
J. Koo, J. Lee, C. Chi, and J. H. Lee, “Passively Q-switched 1.56 μm All-fiberized Laser based on Evanescent Field Interaction with Bulk-structured Bi2Te3 Topological Insulator,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 31, 2157-2162, Sep. 2014.
J. Lee, J. Koo, C. Chi, and J. H. Lee, “All-fiberized, passively Q-switched 1.06 μm laser using a bulk-structured Bi2Te3 topological insulator,” J. Opt. 16 085203, Aug 2014.
J. Koo, Y.-W. Song, and J. H. Lee, “A carbon nanotube-embedded fiber-optic tunable coupler for flexible repetition rate control of a passively Q -switched fiber laser,” Laser Phys. Vol.24, p. 045105, Apr. 2014.
M. Jung, J. Lee, J. Koo, J. Park, Y.-W. Song, K. Lee, S. Lee, and J. H. Lee, “A femtosecond pulse fiber laser at 1935 nm using a bulk-structured Bi2Te3 topological insulator,” Opt. Express vol.22, pp.7865-7874, Apr. 2014.
J. Lee, J. Koo, Y.-M. Jhon, and J. H. Lee, “A femtosecond pulse erbium fiber laser incorporating a saturable absorber based on a bulk-structured Bi2Te3 topological insulator,” Opt. Express vol.22(5), pp.6165–6173, Mar. 2014.
M. Jung and J. H. Lee, “Mode-locked thulium-bismuth codoped fiber laser using graphene saturable absorber in ring cavity: comment,” Appl. Opt. vol.53, pp.553-554 Feb. 2014.
▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ 2013 ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼
M. Jung, M. Melkumov, V. F. Khopin, E M. Dianov, J. Y. Kim and J. H. Lee, “Self-Q-switching of a bismuth-doped germanosilicate fiber laser operating at 1.46 μm,” Laser. Phys. Lett., vol.10, no.12, Nov. 2013.
W.-J. Kim, P. C.Debnath, J. Lee, J. H. Lee, D.-S. Lim, and Y.-W. Song, “Transfer-free synthesis of multilayer graphene using a single-step process in an evaporator and formation confirmation by laser mode-locking,” Nanotechnology, vol.42, no.32, p.365603, Sep. 2013.
M. Jung, J. Koo, J. Park, Y.-W. Song, Y. M. Jhon, K. Lee, S. Lee, and J. H. Lee, “Mode-locked pulse generation from an all-fiberized, Tm-Ho-codoped fiber laser incorporating a graphene oxide-deposited side-polished fiber,” Opt. Express, vol. 21, pp.20062-20072 (2013)
J. Lee and J. H. Lee, “Experimental investigation of the cavity modulation frequency detuning effect in an active harmonically mode-locked fiber laser, J. Opt. Soc. Amer. B , vol.30, no.6, pp.1479-1485, 2013.
J. Koo and J. H. Lee, “Passive Q-switching of a fiber laser using a side-polished birefringent fiber with index matching gel spread on the flat side,” Appl. Phys. B: Lasers and Optics, 2013.
M. Jung and J. H. Lee, “Actively Q-switched, Thulium-Holmium-codoped fiber laser incorporating a silicon-based variable optical attenuator-based Q switch,” Appl. Opt. vol.52, no.10, pp.2706-2710, Apr. 2013.
J. Lee, J. Koo, P. Debnath, Y.-W. Song, and J. H. Lee, “A Q-switched, mode-locked fiber laser using a graphene oxide-based polarization sensitive saturable absorber.” Laser Phys. Lett., vo.10, p.035103, Mar 2013.
▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ 2012 ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼
M. Jung, J. Koo, P. Debnath, Y.-W. Song, and J. H. Lee, “A mode-locked 1.91 um fiber laser based on interaction between graphene oxide and evanescent field,” Appl. Phys. Exp., vol.5, no.1, p. 112702, Nov. 2012.
M. Jung, J. Koo, Y. M. Chang, P. Debnath, Y.-W. Song, and J. H. Lee, “An all fiberized, 1.89-m Q-switched laser employing carbon nanotube evanescent field interaction,” Laser Phys. Lett., vo.9, no.9, pp. 669-673, Sep 2012.
Y. M. Chang, J. Lee, Y. M. Jhon, and J. H. Lee, “Q-switched Mode-locking of an Erbium-doped Fiber Laser using Cavity Modulation Frequency Detuning,” Applied Optics, vol.51, no.21, pp.5295-5301, July 2012.
Y. M. Chang, J. Lee, and J. H. Lee, “Active mode-locking of an erbium-doped fiber laser using an ultrafast silicon-based variable optical attenuator,” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 51, p.072701, July 2012.
E. J. Jung, J. H. Lee, B. S. Rho, M. J. Kim, S. H. Hwang, W.-J. Lee, J.-J. Song, M. Y. Jeong, and C.-S. Kim, “Spectrally-sampled OCT imaging based on 1.7 m continuous-wave supercontinuum source,” J. Sel. Quantum Electron., vol.18, no.3, pp.1200-1208, May/June 2012.
J. Lee, K. Koo, Y. M. Chang, P. Debnath, Y.-W. Song, and J. H. Lee “Experimental Investigation on a Q-switched, Mode-locked Fiber Laser Based on the Combination of Active Mode-locking and Passive Q-switching,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, vol.29, no.6, pp.1479-1485, June 2012.
W.-J. Kim, Y. M. Chang, J. Lee, D. Kang, J. H. Lee, and Y.-W. Song, “Ultrafast optical nonlinearity of multi-layered graphene synthesized by interface growth process,” Nanotechnology, vol.23, p.225706, June 2012.
A.-L. Yi, L.-S. Yan, B. Luo, W. Pan, J. Ye, Z.-Y. Chen, and J. H. Lee, “Simultaneous all-optical RZ-to-NRZ format conversion for two tributaries in PDM signal using a single section of highly nonlinear fiber,” Opt. Express, vol.20, no.9, pp.9890-9896, Apr. 2012.
Y. M. Chang and J. H. Lee, “Bismuth Nonlinear Optical Fiber for Photonic Ultra-wideband Radio Signal Processing,” J. Sel. Quantum Electron., vol.18, no.2, pp.891-898, Mar. 2012.
M. Jung, Y. M. Chang, and J. H. Lee, “Band-separated, Bidirectional Amplifier Based on Erbium-doped Bismuth Fiber for Long-reach Hybrid DWDM-TDM Passive Optical Networks,” J. Opt. Com. Netw. Vol.4, no.3, pp.165-172, Mar. 2012.
J. H. Huh, Y. M. Chang, L. Yan, and J. H. Lee, “Performance Comparison of Raman/EDFA Hybrid Amplification-based Long Distance Fiber Bragg Grating Sensor Systems,” Appl. Opt., vol.51, no.1, pp.329-334, Jan. 2012.
▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ 2011 ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼
Y. M. Chang, J. Lee, and J. H. Lee, “Active Q-switching in an erbium-doped fiber laser using an ultrafast silicon-based variable optical attenuator,” Opt. Express, vol.19, no.27, pp.26911-26916, Dec. 2011.
Y. M. Chang, J. Lee, Y. M. Jhon, and J. H. Lee, “A Q-switched, mode-locked fiber laser employing subharmonic cavity modulation,” Opt. Express, vol.19, no.27, pp.26627-26633, Dec. 2011.
J. S. Lee, J. M. Lim, J. H. Lee, H. J. Lee, T. J. Lee, S. Lee, D. H. Woo, S. H. Kim, Y. M. Jhon, and J. H. Kim, “Realization of All-Optical Circular Shift Register Using Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers,” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, vol.50, no.11, p.110209, Nov. 2011.
J. Lee, Y. M. Chang, and J. H. Lee, “All-optical pulse shaping for ultrawideband doublet pulses using nonlinear optical loop mirror with optical parametric amplification,” Opt. Lett., vol.36, no.21,pp.4227-4229, Nov. 2011.
M. Jung, Y. M. Chang, Y. M. Jhon, and J. H. Lee, “The Combined Effect of Pump Excited Absorption and Pair-Induced Quenching on the Gain and Noise Figure in Bismuth Oxide-based Er3+-doped Fiber Amplifiers,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, vol.28, no.11, pp.2667-2673, Nov. 2011.
H. D. Lee, J. H. Lee, M. Y. Jeong, and C.-S. Kim, “Characterization of wavelength-swept active mode locking fiber laser based on reflective semiconductor optical amplifier,” Opt. Exp. vol. 19, no. 15, pp.14586~14593, Jul. 2011.
Y. M. Chang, J. Lee, H.-S. Lee, L. Yan, and J. H. Lee, “Generation and Distribution of 1.25 Gbit/s Ultra-wideband Doublet Pulses based on the Combination of Nonlinear Polarization Rotation and Parametric Amplification,” J. Lightwave Technol., vol.29, no.6, pp.931-938, Mar 2011.
Y. M. Chang, W.-J. Jeong, K. Lee, and J. H. Lee, “Performance Limitation of Chirped-Fiber-Bragg-Grating-Based Photonic Microwave Notch Filter Due to Group Delay and Reflectivity Ripples,” Opt. Comm., vo.284, pp.952-956, Feb. 2011.
Y. M. Chang, J. Lee, and J. H. Lee, “Bipolar Tap Photonic Microwave Notch Filter Using Electroabsorption Modulator-Integrated Distributed Feedback Laser Diodes in a Parallel Configuration,” Appl. Opt., vol.50, no.3, pp.329-334, Jan 2011.
▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ 2010 ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼
M. Jung, J. H. Shin, and J. H. Lee, “A Theoretical and Experimental Investigation into Pair-Induced Quenching in Bismuth Oxide-Based Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifiers,” J. Opt. Soc. Korea, vol.14, no.4, pp.298-304, Dec. 2010.
Y. M. Chang, H. Kim, J. H. Lee, and Y.-W. Song, “Multilayered Graphene Efficiently Formed by Mechanical Exfoliation for nonlinear saturable absorbers in fiber mode-locked lasers,” Appl. Phy. Lett., vol.97, p.211102 Nov. 2010.
J.-H. Park, W.-K. Kim, W.-J. Jeong, M.-G. Song, H.-H. Kim, K.-H. Koo, Y.-L. Lee, Y. Kim, J. H. Lee, W.-S. Yang, and H.-Y. Lee “Continuous control of spatial mode rotation using second harmonic generation,” Appl. Phy. Lett., vol.97, p.191113, Nov. 2010.
Y. M. Chang, J. Lee, and J. H. Lee “Ultra-wideband Doublet Pulse Generation Based on Nonlinear Polarization Rotation of an Elliptically Polarized Beam and Its Distribution over a Fiber/Wireless Link,” Opt. Exp., vol.18, no.,19, pp.20072-20085, Sep. 2010.
Y. M. Chang, J. Lee, D. Koh, H. Chung, and J. H. Lee “Ultra-wideband Doublet Pulse Generation Based on Semiconductor Electroabsorption Modulator and Its Distribution over a Fiber/Wireless Link,” J. Opt. Comm. Netw., vo.2, no.8, pp.600-608, Aug. 2010.
J. H. Shin and J. H. Lee, “Investigation of signal excited-state absorption in bismuth-based erbium-doped fiber amplifier,” J. Opt. Soc. Amer. B., vol.27, no.7, pp.1452-1457, Jul. 2010.
J. H. Lee, E. J. Jung, C. S. Kim, “Optical Coherence Tomography Based on a Continuous-wave Supercontinuum Seeded by Erbium-doped Fiber’s Amplified Spontaneous Emission,” J. Opt. Soc. Korea, Vo.14, no.1, pp.49 ~ 54, Mar 2010.
K. Lee, C. H. Kim, J. H. Lee, Y.-G. Han, and S. B. Lee, “Noise Reduction in Multiwavelength SOA-based Ring Laser by Coupled Dual Cavities for WDM Applications,” J. Lightwave Technol., vol.28, no.5, pp.739~745, March 2010.
Y. M. Chang and J. H. Lee, “Microwave frequency measurement using a finite impulse response system that incorporates Lorentzian profile-weighted optical taps,” Measurement Sci. & Technol., vol.21, no.1, pp. 015303-1 ~ -6, Jan. 2010.
▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ 2009 ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼
J. H. Lee, K. Y. Song, H. J. Yoon, J. S. Kim, T. Hasegawa, T. Nagashima, S. Ohara, and N. Sugimoto, "Brillouin gain-coefficient measurement for bismuth-oxide-based photonic crystal fiber under significant beam reflection at splicing points," Opt. Lett. vol.34, no.17, pp.2670-2672, Sep 2009.
K. Lee, J. H. Lee, and S. B. Lee, “Tunable photonic microwave notch filter using SOA-based single-longitudinal mode, dual wavelength laser,” Opt. Exp., vol.17, no.15, pp.13216-13221, Jul. 2009.
S. Kim, K. Lee, J. H. Lee, J.-M. Jeong, and S. B. Lee, “Temperature-Insensitive Fiber Bragg Grating-Based Bending Sensor Using Radio-Frequency-Modulated Reflective Semiconductor Optical Amplifier,” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, vol.48, no.6 p.062402-1~062402-3, June 2009.
J. H. Lee, K. Lee, S. B. Lee, and C. H. Kim, "Extended-Reach WDM-PON Based on CW Supercontinuum Light Source for Colorless FP-LD based OLT and RSOA-based ONUs," Optical Fiber Technology, vol.15, no.3, pp.310-319, June 2009.
Y. M. Chang and J. H. Lee, “Frequency Tunable, Single Passband, Photonic Microwave Transversal Filter Incorporating Differential Group Delay Device-Based Comb Filter,” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, vol.48, no.1 p.012501-1~012501-4, Jan 2009.
▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ 2008 ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼
Y. M. Chang, and J. H. Lee, “High-Q, tunable, photonic microwave single passband filter based on stimulated Brillouin scattering and fiber Bragg grating filtering,” Opt. Comm., Vol.281, no.20, pp.5146-5150, Oct. 2008.
U.-C. Ryu, Y. M. Chang, and J. H. Lee, “Single Passband, Discretely Tunable, Photonic Microwave Bandpass Filter Based on Highly Birefringent Fiber-Based Comb Filter,” Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol.47, no.10, pp. 7915-7919, Oct. 2008.
J. H. Lee and Y. M. Chang, “Detailed Theoretical and Experimental Study on Single Passband, Photonic Microwave FIR Filter Using Digital Micromirror Device and Continuous-Wave Supercontinuum,” J. Lightwave Technol., vol.26, no.15, pp. 2619-2628, Aug. 2008.
▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ 2007 ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼
Y.-M. Chang, H. Chung, and J. H. Lee, “High Q microwave filter using incoherent, continuous wave supercontinuum and dispersion profiled fiber,” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., vol.19, no.24, pp.2042-2044, 2007.
C. H. Kim, J. H. Lee, and K. Lee, “Analysis of maximum reach in WDM PON architecture based on distributed Raman amplification and pump recycling technique,” Opt. Exp., vol.15, no.22, pp.14942-14947, Oct. 2007
K. Lee, C. H. Kim, J. H. Lee, Y.-G. Han, S.-G. Mun, C.-H. Lee, and S. B. Lee, “Adjacent crosstalk suppression in a colorless WDM passive optical network,” Opt. Exp., vol.15, no.22, pp.14306-14312, Oct. 2007.
J. H. Lee, K. Lee, Y.-G. Han, S. B. Lee, and C. H. Kim, “Single, Depolarized, CW Supercontinuum-Based Wavelength Division Multiplexed Passive Optical Network Architecture with C-band OLT, L-band ONU, and U-band Monitoring,” J. Lightwave Technol., vol.26, no.10, pp.2891-2897, Oct. 2007.
J. H. Lee and Y.-G. Han, “Novel dispersion properties of photonic crystal fiber,” Jpn. Jnl. Appl. Phys., vol.46, no.8B, pp.5408-5413, August 2007 (Invited Paper).
Y.-G. Han, J. H. Lee, S. B. Lee, L. Poti, and A. Bogoni, “Novel multiwavelength erbium-doped fiber and Raman fiber ring lasers with continuous wavelength spacing tenability at room temperature,” J. Lightwave Technol., vol.25, no.8, pp.2219-2225, Aug. 2007.
J. H. Lee, Y.-M. Chang, Y.-G. Han, S. B. Lee, and H. Chung, “Fully reconfigurable photonic microwave transversal filter based on digital micromirror device and continuous wave, incoherent supercontinuum source,” Appl. Opt., vol.46, no.22, pp.5158-5167, Aug. 2007.
Y.-G. Han, S. Song, G. H. Kim, K. Lee, S. B. Lee, J. H. Lee, C. H. Jeong, C. H. Oh, and H. J. Kang, “Simultaneous independent measurement of strain and temperature based on long period fiber gratings inscribed in holey fibers depending on air-hole size,” Opt. Lett., vol.32, no.12, pp.2245-2247, Aug. 2007.
Y.-G. Han and J. H. Lee, “Multiple element photonic microwave true time delay beamforming incorporating a tunable chirped fiber Bragg grating with symmetrically bending technique,” Opt. Lett., vol.32, no.12, pp.1704-1706, June 2007.
Y.-G. Han and J. H. Lee, “Switchable dual wavelength erbium-doped fiber laser at room temperature,” Microwave. Opt. Technol. Lett., vol.49, no.6, pp.1433-1435, June 2007.
C. H. Kim, E. S. Son, H.-S. Cho, Y.-G. Han, J. H. Lee, and S. B. Lee, “Experimental study on the effect of codirectional Raman gain on system’s performance,” Opt. Exp., vol.15, no.10, pp.6146-6151, May 2007.
Y.-G. Han, F. Fresi, L. Poti, J. H. Lee, and X. Dong, “Continuously spacing-tunable multiwavelength semiconductor-optical-amplifier-based fiber ring laser incorporating a superimposed chirped fiber Bragg grating,” Opt. Lett., vol.32, no.9, pp.1032-1034, May 2007.
K. Lee, S. B. Lee, J. H. Lee, Y.-G. Han, S.-G. Mun, S.-M. Lee, and C.-H. Lee, “A self-restorable architecture for bidirectional wavelength-division-multiplexed passive optical network with colorless ONUs,” Opt. Exp. vol.15, no.8, pp.4863-4868, April 2007.
Y.-G. Han, X. Dong, C. S. Kim, M. Y. Jeong, and J. H. Lee, “Flexible all fiber Fabry-Perot filters based on superimposed chirped fiber Bragg gratings with continuous FSR tunability and its application to a multiwavelength fiber laser,” Opt. Exp., vol.15, no.6, pp.2921-2926, March 2007.
Y.-G. Han, Y. J. Lee, G. H. Kim, H. S. Cho, J. H. Lee, and S. B. Lee, “Cladding mode coupling suppression in hole-assisted fiber Bragg grating,” Microwave. Opt. Technol. Lett., vol.49, no.1, pp.74-76, Jan 2007.
▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ 2006 ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼
Y.-G. Han, X. Dong, J. H. Lee, and S. B. Lee, “Wavelength spacing tunable multichannel filter incorporating a sampled chirped fiber Bragg grating based on symmetrical chirp tuning technique without center wavelength shift,” Opt. Lett., vol.31, no.24, pp.3571-3573, Dec 2006.
J. H. Lee, C. H. Kim, Y.-G. Han, and S. B. Lee, “Distributed Raman Amplification Based Bidirectional WDM-PON Using Spectrum Sliced ASE Upstream Source Pumped by Residual Raman Pump,” Opt. Exp., vol.14, no.20, pp.9036-9041, Oct 2006.
Y.-G. Han, X. Dong, J. H. Lee, and S. B. Lee, “Simultaneous measurement of bending and temperature based on a single sampled chirped fiber Bragg grating embedded on a flexible cantilever beam,” Opt. Lett., vol.31, no.19, pp.2839-2841, Oct 2006.
J. H. Lee, C. H. Kim, Y.-G. Han, and S. B. Lee, “WDM PON Upstream Transmission at 1.25 Gbit/s Using Fabry-Pérot Laser Diodes Injected by Spectrum-Sliced, Depolarized, CW Supercontinuum Source,” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., vol.18, no.20, pp.2108-2110, Oct 2006.
J. H. Lee, K. Katoh, and K. Kikuchi, “Experimental Investigation of Continuous-Wave Supercontinuum Ring Laser Composed of Clad-pumped Er/Yb Codoped Fiber and Highly-Nonlinear Optical Fiber,” Opt. Comm. vol.266, pp.681-685, Oct 2006.
J. H. Lee, Y. M. Chang, Y.-G. Han, H. Chung, and S. B. Lee, “Flexibly Tunable Microwave Photonic FIR Filter Incorporating Wavelength Spacing Programmable, Arrayed Micro-Mirror Based Optical Filter,” Electron. Lett., vol.41, no.14, pp.812-813, July 2006.
Y.-G. Han, J. H. Lee, and S. B. Lee, “Continuously tunable photonic microwave true-time delay based on a tunable chirped fiber Bragg grating,” Electron. Lett., vol.41, no.14, pp.811-812, July 2006.
J. H. Lee, T. Nagashima, T. Hasegawa, S. Ohara, N. Sugimoto, Y.-G. Han, S. B. Lee, and K. Kikuchi, “Output Performance Investigation of Self-Phase Modulation Based 2R Regenerator Using Bismuth Oxide Nonlinear Fiber,” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., vol.18, no.12, pp.1296-1298, June 2006.
J. H. Lee, C. H. Kim, Y.-G. Han, and S. B. Lee, “Broadband, high power, erbium fibre ASE-based CW supercontinuum source for spectrum-sliced WDM PON applications,” Electron. Lett., vol.42, no.9, pp.67-68, April 2006.
J. H. Lee, Y.-G. Han, S. B. Lee, “Experimental Study on Seed Light Source Coherence Dependence of Continuous-Wave Supercontinuum Performance,” Opt. Exp., vol.14, no.8, pp.3443-3452, April 2006.
J. H. Lee, C. H. Kim, Y.-G. Han, S. B. Lee, T. Nagashima, T. Hasegawa, S. Ohara, N. Sugimoto, and K. Kikuchi, “Bismuth Nonlinear Fibre Based Optical Phase Conjugator without SBS-Induced Efficiency Limitation and Its Application to Dispersion Compensation in a Transmission Link,” Electron. Lett., vol.42, no.5, pp.298-299, March 2006.
T. Tanemura, J. H. Lee, D. Wang, K. Katoh, and K. Kikuchi, “Polarization-insensitive 160-Gb/s wavelength converter with all-optical repolarizing function using circular-birefringence highly nonlinear fiber,” Optics Express, vol.14, no.4, pp.1408-1412, February 2006.
J. H. Lee, T. Nagashima, T. Hasegawa, S. Ohara, N. Sugimoto, and K. Kikuchi, “Wideband Tunable Wavelength Conversion of 10-Gbit/s Non-Return-to-Zero Signal Using Cross Phase Modulation-induced Polarization Rotation in 1-m Bismuth Oxide-based Nonlinear Optical Fiber,” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., vol.18, no.1, pp.298-300, January 2006.
J. H. Lee, T. Nagashima, T. Hasegawa, S. Ohara, N. Sugimoto, and K. Kikuchi, “Bismuth oxide-based nonlinear fiber with a high SBS threshold and its application to four-wave mixing wavelength conversion of 40-Gbit/s NRZ signal using pure continuous-wave pump,” J. Lightwave Technol., vol.24, no.1, pp.22-28, January 2006.
▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ 2005 ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼
J. H. Lee, S. Ohara, T. Nagashima, T. Hasegawa, N. Sugimoto, K. Igarashi, K. Katoh, and K. Kikuchi, “Clock Recovery and Demultiplexing of High-Speed OTDM Signal through Combined Use of Bismuth Oxide Nonlinear Fiber and Erbium-Doped Bismuth Oxide Fiber,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol.17, no.12, pp.2658-2660, December 2005.
J. H. Lee, Y. G. Han, Y. M. Chang, H. Chung, S. H. Kim, and S. B. Lee, “A Detailed Experimental Study on Single Pump, Raman/EDFA Hybrid Amplifiers: Static, Dynamic, and System Performance Comparison,” J. Lightwave Technol., vol.23, no.11, pp.3484-3493, November 2005.
Y. G. Han, G. Kim, J. H. Lee, and S. B. Lee, “Wavelength spacing tunable multiwavelength laser with lasing wavelength selectivity,” Optics Communications, vol.256, pp.98-102, December 2005.
J. H. Lee, Y. Takushima, and K. Kikuchi, “Continuous-Wave Supercontinuum Generation from a Ring-Cavity Laser Composed of Erbium-Doped Fiber and Highly-Nonlinear Optical Fiber,” Optics Letters, vol.30, no.19, pp.2599-2602, October 2005.
J. H. Lee, T. Nagashima, T. Hasegawa, S. Ohara, N. Sugimoto, and K. Kikuchi, “Bismuth Oxide Nonlinear Fibre Based 80-Gbit/s Wavelength Conversion and Demultiplexing Using the Cross Phase Modulation and Filtering Scheme”, Electronics Letters., vo.41, no.22, pp.1237-1238, October 2005.
J. H. Lee, T. Nagashima, T. Hasegawa, S. Ohara, N. Sugimoto, and K. Kikuchi, “All fiber-based 160-Gbit/s add/drop multiplexer incorporating a 1-m-long Bismuth Oxide-based ultra-high nonlinearity fiber,” Optics Express, vol.13, no.18, pp.6864-6869, September 2005.
J. H. Lee, T. Nagashima, T. Hasegawa, S. Ohara, N. Sugimoto, and K. Kikuchi, “Wavelength Conversion of 160 Gbit/s OTDM Signal Using 1-m-long Bismuth Oxide-based Highly-Nonlinear Fiber in the Kerr Shutter Configuration,” Electronics Lett., vol.41, no.16, pp.918-919, September 2005.
J. H. Lee, T. Nagashima, T. Hasegawa, S. Ohara, N. Sugimoto, and K. Kikuchi, “40-Gbit/s XOR and AND Gates Using Polarisation Switching within 1-m-long Bismuth Oxide-based Nonlinear Fibre,” Electronics Lett., vol. 41, no.19, pp.1074-1075, August 2005.
J. H. Lee, T. Nagashima, T. Hasegawa, S. Ohara, N. Sugimoto, and K. Kikuchi, “Four-Wave Mixing Based Wavelength Conversion of 40-Gbit/s Non-Return-to-Zero Signal Using 40-cm Bismuth Nonlinear Optical Fiber,” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett, vol.17, no.7, pp.1474-1476, July 2005.
J. H. Lee, T. Tanemura, T. Nagashima, T. Hasegawa, S. Ohara, N. Sugimoto, and K. Kikuchi, “Experimental Comparison of Kerr Nonlinearity Figure-of-Merit Including Stimulated Brillouin Scattering Threshold for State-of-the-Art Nonlinear Optical Fibers,” Optics Letters, vol.30, no.13, pp.1698-1700, July 2005.
J. H. Lee, T. Tanemura, T. Nagashima, T. Hasegawa, S. Ohara, N. Sugimoto, and K. Kikuchi, “Use of 1-m Bi2O3 Nonlinear Fiber for 160-Gbit/s Optical-Time Division Demultiplexing Based on Polarization Rotation and Wavelength Shift Induced by Cross-Phase Modulation,” Optics Letters, vol.30, no.11, pp.1267-1269, June 2005.
J. H. Lee and K. Kikuchi, “Experimental performance comparison for various continuous-wave supercontinuum schemes: ring cavity and single pass structures,” Optics Express, vol.13, no.13, pp.4848-4853, June 2005.
Y.-G. Han, G. Kim, J. H. Lee, S. H. Kim, and S. B. Lee, “Lasing wavelength and spacing tunable multiwavelength fiber laser from 1510 to 1620nm,” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett, vol.17, no.5, pp.989-991, May 2005.
J. H. Lee, T. Nagashima, T. Hasegawa, S. Ohara, N. Sugimoto, and K. Kikuchi, “All-fiber based 80-Gbit/s wavelength converter using 1-m long Bismuth nonlinear optical fiber with a nonlinearity of 1100,” Optics Express, vol.13, no.8, pp.3144-3149, April 2005.
J. H. Lee, T. Tanemura, Y. Takushima and K. Kikuchi, “All-Optical 80 Gbit/s Add-Drop Multiplexer Using Fiber-based Nonlinear Optical Loop Mirror,” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett, vol.17, no.4, pp.840-842, April 2005.
J. H. Lee, Y. M. Chang, Y. G. Han, S. H. Kim, H. Chung, and S. B. Lee, “Performance Comparison of Various Configurations of Single Pump, Dispersion Compensating Raman/EDFA Amplifiers,” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., vol.17, no.4, pp.765-767, April 2005.
V. Tran, Y. G. Han, J. H. Lee, S. H. Kim, and S. B. Lee, “Effects of Fiber Cladding Diameter on Cladding Mode Coupling in Fiber Bragg Gratings,” Japanese J. Appl. Phys., vol.44, no.3, pp.1278-1281, March 2005.
R. Llorente, J. H. Lee, R. Clavero, M. Ibsen, and J. Marti, “Orthogonal Wavelength-Division-Multiplexing Technique Feasibility Evaluation,” J. Lightwave Technol., vol.23, no.3, pp.1145-1151, March 2005.
J. H. Lee, “All-optical signal processing devices based on holey fibers,” IEICE transactions on Electronics, vol.E88-C, no.3, pp.327-334, March 2005 (Invited paper).
K. Furusawa, T. Kogure, J. K. Sahu, J. H. Lee, T. M. Monro, and D. J. Richardson, “Efficient Low-Threshold Lasers Based on an Erbium-Doped Holey Fiber,” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., vol.17, no.1 pp.25-27, January 2005.
J. H. Lee, Y. G. Han, Y. M. Chang, S. H. Kim, and S. B. Lee, “Dispersion-compensating Raman/EDFA Hybrid Amplifier Recycling Residual Raman Pump for Efficiency Enhancement,” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., vol.17, no.1, pp.43-45, January 2005.
J. H. Lee, Y. M. Chang, Y. G. Han, S. H. Kim, H. Chung, and S. B. Lee, “Wavelength and Repetition Rate Tunable Optical Pulse Source using a Chirped Fiber Bragg Grating and a Nonlinear Optical Loop Mirror,” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., vol.17, no.1, pp.34-36, January 2005.
▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ 2004 ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼
J. H. Lee, Y. G. Han, Y. M. Chang, H. Chung, S. H. Kim, and S. B. Lee, “Dynamic properties of all-optical gain-clamped Raman/EDFA hybrid amplifier recycling residual Raman pump,” Optics Express, vol.12, no.26, pp.6594-6599, December 2004.
Y. G. Han, J. H. Lee, S. H. Kim, and S. B. Lee, “Tunable multi-wavelength Raman Fibre Laser based on fibre Bragg grating cavity with PMF Lyot-Sagnac filter,” Electronics Letters, vol. 40, no. 23, pp. 1475 – 1476, November 2004.
J. H. Lee, Y. G. Han, Y. M. Chang, and S. B. Lee, “Raman amplifier based long-distance, remote FBG strain sensor with a EDF broadband source recycling residual Raman pump,” Electronics Letters, vol.40, no.18, pp.1106-1107, Septemeber 2004.
J. H. Lee, Y. M. Chang, Y. G. Han, S. H. Kim, and S. B. Lee, “2~5 times tunable repetition rate multiplication of a 10 GHz pulse source using a linearly tunable, chirped fiber Bragg grating,” Optics Express, vol.12, no.17, pp.3900-3905, August 2004.
J. H. Lee, Y. M. Chang, Y. G. Han, H. Chung, S. H. Kim, and S. B. Lee, “Raman amplifier based long-distance remote, strain and temperature sensing system using an erbium-doped fiber and a fiber grating,” Optics Express, vol.12, no.15, pp.3515-3520, July 2004.
Y. G. Han, J. H. Lee, S. B. Lee, and Y. Chung, “Discrimination of bending and temperature sensitivities with phase-shifted long-period fiber gratings depending on initial coupling strength,” Optics Express, vol.12, no.14, pp.3204-3209, July 2004.
J. H. Lee, Y. G. Han, S. B. Lee, T. Kogure, and D. J. Richardson, “40 GHz adiabatic compression of a modulator based dual frequency beat signal using Raman amplification in dispersion decreasing fiber,” Optics Express, vol.12, no.10, pp.2187-2192. May 2004.
J. H. Lee, J. Kim, Y. G. Han, S. H. Kim, and S. B. Lee, “Investigation of Raman fiber laser temperature probe incorporating fiber Bragg gratings for long-distance remote sensing Applications,” Optics Express, vol.12, no.8, pp.1747-1752, April 2004.
T. Kogure, J. H. Lee, and D. J. Richardson, “Wavelength tunable 10 GHz, ~1 ps pulse source using dispersion decreasing fiber based Raman amplification,” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., vol.16, pp.1167-1169 April 2004
J. H. Lee, T. Kogure, and D. J. Richardson, “Wavelength tunable 10 GHz, 3 ps pulse source using a dispersion decreasing fiber,” J. Sel. Topics Quantum Electron. Vol.10, no.1, pp.181-185, January/February 2004
▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ 2003 ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼
J. H. Lee, L.K. Oxenløwe, M. Ibsen, K.S. Berg, A.T. Clausen, D.J. Richardson, and P. Jeppesen, “All-optical TDM data demultiplexing at 80 Gbit/s with significant timing jitter tolerance using a fiber Bragg grating based rectangular pulse switching technology,” J. Ligthwave Technol., vol.21, no.11, pp.2518 – 2523, November 2003.
J. H. Lee, Z. Yusoff, W. Belardi, M. Ibsen, T. M. Monro, and D. J. Richardson, “A Tuneable WDM Wavelength Converter Based on Cross Phase Modulation effects in Holey Fiber,” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., vol.15, pp.437-439, March 2003.
J. H. Lee, W. Belardi, K. Furusawa, P. Petropoulos, Z. Yusoff, T. M. Monro, and D. J. Richardson, “Four-Wave Mixing Based, 10Gbit/s Tuneable Wavelength Conversion Using a Holey Fiber with a High SBS Threshold,” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., vol.15, pp.440-442, March 2003.
▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ 2002 ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼
J. H. Lee, P. C. Teh, Z. Yusoff, M. Ibsen, W. Belardi, T. M. Monro, and D. J. Richardson, “A holey fiber based nonlinear thresholding device for optical CDMA receiver performance enhancement,” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., vol.14, no.6, pp.876-878, June 2002.
J. H. Lee, Z. Yusoff, W. Belardi, M. Ibsen , T. M. Monro, and D. J. Richardson, “Investigation of Brillouin effects in small core holey optical fiber: lasing and scattering,” Optics Lett., vol.27, no.11, pp.927-929, June 2002.
Z. Yusoff, J.H. Lee, W. Belardi, T.M. Monro, P.C. Teh, and D.J. Richardson, “Raman effects in a highly nonlinear holey fiber: amplification and modulation,” Optics Lett., vol.27, no.6, pp.424-426, March 2002.
J. H. Lee, P. C. Teh, P. Petropoulos, M. Ibsen and D. J. Richardson, “All-optical modulation and demultiplexing systems with significant timing jitter tolerance through incorporation of pulse-shaping fiber Bragg gratings,” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., vol.14, no.2, pp.203-205, February 2002.
P. C. Teh, M. Ibsen, J. H. Lee, P. Petropoulos, and D. J. Richardson, “Demonstration of a four-channel WDM/OCDMA system using 255-chip 320-Gchip/s quaternary phase coding gratings,” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., vol.14, no.2, pp.227-229, February 2002.
J. H. Lee, P. C. Teh, P. Petropoulos, M. Ibsen and D. J. Richardson, “A grating based OCDMA coding:decoding system incorporating a nonlinear optical loop mirror for improved code recognition and noise reduction,” J. Lightwave Technol., vol.20, no.1, pp.36-46, January 2002.
▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ 2001 ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼
P. Petropoulos, T. M. Monro, W. Belardi, K. Furusawa, J. H. Lee, and D. J. Richardson, “A 2R-regenerative all-optical switch based on a highly nonlinear fiber”, Optics Lett., vol. 26, no.16, pp.1233-1235, August 2001.
J. H. Lee, P. C. Teh, P. Petropoulos, M. Ibsen and D. J. Richardson, “Reduction of interchannel interference noise in a two-channel, grating based OCDMA system using a nonlinear optical loop mirror,” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett, vol.13, no.5, pp.529-531, May 2001.
▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ 1999 ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼
J. Jung, H. Nam, J. H. Lee, N. Park, and B. Lee, “Simultaneous measurement of strain and temperature using a single fiber Bragg grating and an erbium-doped fiber amplifier,” Applied Optics, vol. 38, no. 5, pp.2749-2751, May 1999.
J. H. Lee, U.-C. Ryu, and N. Park, “Passive EDF - seed photon generator for high power Er3+ doped fiber fluorescent source with 80nm bandwidth,” Optics Lett., vol. 24, no. 5, pp.279-281, March 1999.
J. H. Lee, U.-C. Ryu, and N. Park, “Enhancement of power conversion efficiency for an L-band EDFA with a secondary pumping effect in the unpumped EDF section,” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., vol.11, no.1, pp.42-44, January, 1999.
▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ 1998 ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼
J. H. Lee, W. J. Lee, and N. Park, “Comparative study on temperature dependent multi-channel gain and noise figure distortion for 1.48m and 0.98m pumped EDFAs,” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., vol.10, no.12, pp.1721-1723, December 1998.
J. H. Lee, N. Park, “Reduction of temperature dependent multi-channel gain distortion using a hybrid erbium doped fiber cascade,” IEEE Photon. Technnol. Lett., vol.10, no.8, pp.1168-1170, August 1998.
▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ 1997 ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼
J. H. Lee, S. K. Si, Y. B. Moon, E. J. Yoon, and S. J. Kim, “Bandgap tuning of InGaAs/InP multi-quantum well structure by impurity-free vacancy diffusion using InGaAs cap layer and SiO2 dielectric capping,” Electron. Lett., vol.33, no.13, pp.1179-1181, June 1997.
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